Board of Directors        Approved 03/03/05
February 10, 2005

Present: French, King, Wilson, Hughes, Hotaling, Williams, Steiner, Machado, Sullivan, Young, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Passalacqua
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of January 6, 2005
Treasurer's Report
The Board reviewed a letter prepared by the finance committee to the membership regarding the 2004 operational deficit.  The letter explained the deficit and make-up billing due to the shortfall.
Proprietary  $258.00
Full make-up billing Proprietary $129.00
Joining July-Dec 2004
at ½ make-up billing Associate $129.00
½ make-up billing
Hotaling motioned to approve the letter and that the members be billed over a three month period.  Sullivan seconded, the motion carried.
French suggested that Hotaling write a monthly financial article for the KEY.  Hotaling
Hotaling received input from the Board on how they would like their monthly financial report
form prepared.  Hotaling will make the changes accordingly.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members:  Thornhill, Brooks, Over, Chanana-Gupta.  Young motioned to approve,
King seconded.  The motion carried.
Committee Reports
Green: The new greens should be ready for play in April- May.  Plans for the irrigation system
have been sent to contractors for bid.

Golf: Discussed keeping divot containers and range balls filled for member use, golf pro shop
uniforms or the wearing of name tags to identify staff.  Discussed red flags for handicap players
and sending a survey to the membership to see what they think of their golfing experience.

House: Ballroom renovations are almost completed.  New carpet is currently being installed in
the Club offices and will be installed in the main lounge and ballroom on February 14, 2005.
Tennis: Preparing to send plans out to bid for the tennis facility, and anticipate return bids in

Membership: Implementing new prospective member process by having dinner with applicants
prior to presenting applications for Board approval. At the next committee meeting, Sullivan will
propose various classes of membership for discussion.

Food & Social: Discussed the quality of service and food.  The committee would like to add an
event of wine tasting with heavy hors d'oeuvres for the purpose of members being able to
purchase wine by the case.  Steiner will explore extending limited food on weekends from 3:00
p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Buildings & Grounds: Will be obtaining bids for a new entry gate at Country Club Drive.  The
intent of the new entry gate is to allow for an electric opening in the future.

Pool & Fitness: A bulletin board will be placed in the fitness center to post the usage of the TV
remote's, personal trainers, etc.  Discussed purchasing sweatshirts for the swim team.

Master Plan: A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2005.

Rules & By-Laws: The committee is requesting any proposals for change or update.  If there are
no changes, the committee would like the current rules enforced.  Machado encouraged the
Board to review the rules and by-laws for discussion at the March Board meeting.
New & Old Business

Rock wall at #2 Tee: Due to safety concerns, Young suggested to get design ideas for the area to
obtain costs.  The Board discussed other possible areas of concern.  French suggested that this
project be added to the green committee's long range plan.

Credit card Machine & ATM machine: A phone line for credit card purchases has been installed
in the main bar for outside events.  Capozzo will continue to see if it is possible to install an
ATM machine at GVCC.  One bank was approached but was not interested.

Correspondence: There were a couple of member letters regarding the dress code that does not
allow the wearing of denim at GVCC.  The Board discussed at length whether or not to continue
this policy at the Club.

Wilson motioned to relax the dress code in the Terrace, pool and tennis spectator area and allow
the wearing of denim.  King seconded.  The motion carried.  (8 yes / 1 no)
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary